Articles & Media
EROS & KOSMOS – Online Magazine of integral liberation and transformation
A short documentary about my first ibogaine experience.
Integral Ibogaine, Integral Well-being
Article on the use of ibogaine within an integral perspective as a catalyst for personal transformation and growth.
The Multidimensional Luminous “We”
Life has its share of difficulties and it is up to us in how we engage in it all. Relationships are just one more way in which we care for ourselves, for others and for the universe. We are part of the world, of our communities, of the other and this infuses a boundless sense of responsibility in all behavior. Relationship may gives us a deep sense of realization, fulfillment and meaning in life if we approach it as a sacred entanglement of beings.
How can an awareness and experience of being provide a different relationship to nature and the Earth?
While being in simple wakefulness does not bring with it the concern for the Earth, it does feel like it is a state where the Earth communicates with us. In simple wakefulness everything is already perfect, in simple wakefulness nature is as awareness where thoughts, feelings and impulses dissolve like clouds in the sky.
The Meaning of Life… Finding the Divine Flame Within
Paulina Alanis is interviewed by Excellence Reporter on the meaning of life.
Kosmos Journal:
Through my integral studies, I became knowledgeable of the various dimensions of being as explained by Eastern and Western traditions. Being a Global Ambassador for Kosmos Journal means that I can share the wisdom and magical happenings of world perspectives through Kosmos thinking and photographs. Kosmos is an artifact that connects us to our nature, to communities all over the world, and to the beauty and art of living.
Kosmos Journal for Global Transformation.
Sacred Healing Ceremony (subtitulos en Español)
A psychedelic medicine ceremony, is a therapeutic healing experience that provides a release of feelings and resolution of past trauma, it opens up a broader state of consciousness where everything in life makes more sense and life feels in better balance.
Apply Topically Podcast
Ibogaine and Psycho-spirituality
Paulina Alanis is interviewed by Elliott Ingersoll psychology professor from the Cleveland State University.
In this episode, Elliott talks with transformative coach Paulina Alanis about the legal use of Ibogaine in Mexico and other countries for psychospiritual healing. Paulina has worked across the globe and currently is in Mexico researching on the use of ibogaine for self-realization and psychospiritual work.
Transformative Coaching & Counseling
In this episode, Elliott continues his discussion with transformative coach Paulina Alanis. They engage in more dialogue on ibogaine therapy as well as what sorts of transformative practices could help our polarized world.
Youtube Channel: @trueisense
Iboga y Crecimiento Personal/Iboga and Personal Development
En esta ocasión hablaremos con Paulina Alanis a cerca de la Iboga como Planta Maestra en el proceso del Crecimiento Personal y en Auto-descubrimiento, ademas de los detalles en que consiste una ceremonia de Iboga en el marco de la Terapia Asistida y Contextos Seguros.
On this occasion, we will speak with Paulina Alanis about Iboga as a Master Plant in the process of Personal Growth and Self-Discovery, as well as the details involved in an Iboga ceremony within the framework of Assisted Therapy and Safe and Supportive Setting.
Entheogenic Ceremony: a Conversations with Paulina Alanis & Soul Alchemy
A conversation with a group that has been experiencing a microdosing program with Shelby Diskin from AftrGlo. Paulina shares about her experience with entheogenic medicines and as a guide/facilitator of sacred ceremonies for therapeutic and spiritual journeys. Hope you enjoy the conversation.
Los Beneficions Terapeuticos y Espirituales de la Psilocibina y la Ibogaina
¿Cómo puede una experiencia psicodélica con ibogaína o psilocibina proporcionar beneficios terapéuticos y espirituales, y qué mecanismos están involucrados en su capacidad para ayudar en la sanación, el crecimiento personal y las experiencias espirituales? Y ¿cómo integrar las ideas y lecciones aprendidas durante tu experiencia para una transformación duradera? Esta es una conversación dinámica y reveladora con Paulina Alanis, que compartirá su amplia experiencia en tratamientos terapéuticos psicodélicos con ibogaína y psilocibina. Presentado por Maria Prieto de la Sociedad Psicodélica de Madrid, explora el mundo de las experiencias psicodélicas desde un enfoque terapéutico y chamánico, donde la terapia transpersonal se entrelaza con rituales indígenas para acceder a las múltiples dimensiones del ser.
The Therapeutic and Spiritual Benefits of Psilocybin and Ibogaine
How can a psychedelic journey with ibogaine or psilocybin provide therapeutic and spiritual benefits, and what mechanisms are involved in their ability to promote healing, personal growth, and spiritual experiences? And how to integrate the insights and lessons learned during your journey for long lasting transformation? JOIN US for a dynamic and insightful conversation with Paulina Alanis, as she shares her extensive experience in psychedelic therapeutic treatments with ibogaine and psilocybin. Hosted by Maria Prieto, explore the world of psychedelic experiences from a therapeutic and shamanic approach, where transpersonal therapy intertwines with indigenous rituals to access the multiple dimensions of being.